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Day-05 Terraform For Loops, Lists and Count Meta-Argument Step-00: Pre-requisite Note We are using default vpc in ap-northeast-1 region Step-01:...
Day-04 Terraform Terraform Variable and Datasources -> Create a terraform-key in AWS ec2 key-pairs which we will reference in our EC2...
Day-03 Terraform Settings, Providers & Resource Blocks Step-01: Introduction Terraform settings Terraform Providers Terraform Resources Terraform...
Day-02 Terraform Configuration Language Syntax Step-01: Introduction -- Understand Terraform Langauge Syntax-- Understand Blocks-- Understand...
Day-01 What is Infrastructure as Code with Terraform Infrastructure as code (IaC) tools allow you to manage infrastructure with configuration files...
An end-to end about IaC (infrastructure as a Code) with Labs. ยท Kindly follow from "day-01-Terraform" Will keep it updated day wise .